Guilty as charged.
How many times have I thrown on my running gear and shoes, heading out the door with not a single person knowing where I was going, no phone, not a worry? Coaching women runners and walkers has made me much more self-aware, and protective of my teams. Not to mention having kids old enough to go out into the world on their own. There are a few easy peasy things you can do to keep yourself much safer when you head out to run, walk or bike. 1. Tell it to your mama Let someone, anyone know you are heading out and along with an approximate route. Text a friend, hubby or use one of those apps that let your facebook world know you are heading out. Call a friend...or just leave a note on the counter. I always imagine that I’ll fall on my face somehow and not be able to get up or worst fate ever, not be there to pick up my kids after school. Mama, you know it could happen. 2. Invisible girl Make sure drivers can see you because they are probably not looking. Bright clothes, lights at dusk or dawn, reflectors always and just assume you are invisible. Nathan has a whole line of clip on lights, like this Tango Red one.
3. I can hear you!
If you must listen to music, have the volume down in one ear bud. Tuck the other into your sports bra strap. Use both on treadmills and stationary bikes. When you are outdoors on the trail you want to hear anyone or anything coming up behind you. 4. Defend thy self Carry something to defend yourself from people or animals.
Keep moving tip: Hang onto that full poop bag a bit longer, gross yes, but what bad guy is going to approach a woman with a bagopoop?
5. Identify yourself
If you were somehow unconscious how would anyone know who you were? Bringing a phone with your hubby or main contact marked I.C.E (In Case of Emergency for firefighters or police), splurge on a RoadID bracelet or carry your ID. Easy. Done. Be safe out there. It’s sort of like carrying an umbrella, if you plan ahead by bringing your umbrella, it won’t rain. And for heavens sake mama, wear clean underwear. Share your tips on keeping safe below! And any requests for future food or fitness topics. Keep moving mama
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Wendy HoagCombining a love of real food, commitment to exercise, a home based business and a family without going over the edge is the balance I seek daily. There is a confidence that comes from combining these things into life. Archives
November 2016
Food Blog
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