I’m living, I’m living, I’m living.
It’s all in your head. Truthfully, what is in our heads dictates so much of our success in life. And further more, what we define as success. This holds true for fitness and health just as much as anything else. Take for example, a tough workout, run or hike. You are sweating, your heart rate is up…still and you are working HARD. What is in your head? What are you telling yourself? So many times at that moment, clients say to me “I’m dying!!!” Really?!!? Just think on that for a minute. You are literally the opposite of dying. You are pushing your body to get stronger, your muscles to contract and give you power, your heart to pump more blood through your body, more oxygen is moving into your lungs, you are using your body for what it was made for. Your chances of dealing with chronic diseases like diabetes, heart failure, high blood pressure and so many others go down significantly every time you exercise. You are truly, literally, in every sense of the word LIVING during your hard workout. I challenge you to change your mind set. Relish the fact that you are physically able to do the workout, that doing this workout will make you stronger for the next one, that your body will thank you for with more energy for every day tasks in the near future. Change that mantra in your head to “I’m living, I’m living, I’m living” and see what happens. It takes practice to change our mental habits as well, this one is worth it. Repeat after me, “I’m living, I’m living, I’m living.” Keep moving mama
Do more, Eat better, Push harder....you must get out of your comfort zone in order to reach any goal. This is no different from your health and fitness goals.
Each day is an opportunity to make the "healthy choice." Walk to school to pick up the kids, take the stairs, choose a bowl of strawberries over a bowl of ice cream. Add intervals to your run, do pushups before your shower, chase the kids at the park. Turn off your cruise control mama, move, push, GET IT DONE. Keep moving mama It is just a fact of motherhood that you will not always be able to make it to the gym, or a class or even out for a run. However, keeping in mind that something is always better than nothing when it comes to exercise can keep you moving.
Why not tie a couple laundry bottles up with a rope, throw the rope over the swings and lift them while the kids are playing? Years ago my mother in law said something like this to me in regard to my comment about not begin financially ready to start a family. It resounded with me then, who is every really financially ready to have kids after all? You just figure it out.
Now, I find that it applies to fitness and motherhood in so many situations. The kids grow so fast, if you wait on taking a trip till you have a whole week off or wait till you're done reorganizing the kitchen to stop and play a game...you'll just plain miss it. Waiting till next year to do that half marathon? Thinking you might be stronger or healthier or lighter? Just do it! Make a plan with what you have in your life now and make it happen. Need to walk the distance instead of run or use a run/walk interval plan? Who are you trying to impress...sign up and get it done! Enjoy the shorter trip, be ok with a disorganized kitchen, look forward to crossing the finish line. When you accept where you are today you are so much more likely to reach your fitness goals.
Not showing up...well that won't work, ever. Showing up and pushing too hard to keep up with someone who is ahead of you leads to disappointment, quite possibly injury and both of those take you back to not showing up. Show up every time. Not only physically but mentally ready to work at a challenging, but do-able level. Consistently doing so every time trains you body to rise to the challenge and improve over time. There are no short cuts. That truly is my favorite part of fitness, if you do it, it works. Keep moving mama Truthfully this is one of the most difficult lessons to learn. Especially for us type A people who want to do it all, go in every direction at once and thing everyone else wants to come along.
Keeping the focus on one really important goal makes anything possible. Being a mom puts a huge "well I" in that sentence. It's nearly impossible to focus on just one thing, especially the early years of chaos when the kids are little. Just know that giving yourself permission to focus on your own goal for a little time each day, makes you a better mom too. Keep moving mama Was it a sneak attack workout that seemed easy at the time, but wouldn't let you think about anything else the next day...or two? Or did you see it coming while you were eeking out one more pushup?
Either way, let that feeling of sore remind you of your accomplishment. You did it, you rocked it, your pushed your limits and your body is responding. That soreness means your muscle fibers are literally repairing themselves to get stronger for the next workout. Enjoy your feeling of being ALIVE!!! Keep moving mama Perfection occurs in edited photos, not real life. Strive for little bits of progress and relish them.
Can you do 1 more pushup than you could last week? Can you run/walk for an interval of 3/2 now instead of the 2/3 you started with? Are you finishing your workouts strong now, instead of winded? Give yourself credit for progress. Keep moving mama. |
Wendy Hoag
Combining a love of real food, commitment to exercise, a home based business and a family without going over the edge is the balance I seek daily. There is a confidence that comes from combining these things into life. Archives
August 2016
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